Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dhoni & Co. celebrate Independence Day

How many times, have we, as adults been part of an Independence Day ceremony? You could probably count them on your fingers. The significance of what we take for granted at home is only understood when it happens in a foreign country.

It’s not often that our cricketers get to hoist the country’s flag in another country. In what was a pleasing gesture, the Sri Lankan cricket authorities, respecting India’s Independence Day, held a small ceremony before the start of the warm-up game at the P. Saravanamuttu stadium on Friday.

The honour of hoisting the flag was given to skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who is fiercely proud of being an Indian. Making it more heartening was the fact that even the Sri Lankan team stood at respectful attention as the tri-colour was unfurled. The team members then rendered the national anthem before the brief ceremony ended. A simple gesture indeed, but it sure sent the right signals. "I remember flag hoisting in my school. I attended the function for 14 years from nursery to class XII without fail. We used to celebrate that and we also used to get a box of sweets on this day," reminisced Dhoni.

"This is a moment (of freedom) which we should enjoy. In reality, we realise what its importance is. We should remember those who contributed (for the independence of the country). People lost their lives for it. We have to recall every thing," said Dhoni.

Little wonder, the man wears his heart on his sleeve. Ravaged by in-fighting, the Sri Lankans may be war-torn island but they sure do recognise and acknowledge their neighbour’s independence.